Devon and I have been friends since high school. She’s a fashionista and a wiz when it comes to doing her make-up. Our creative chemistry is definitely shown in the work we create. It’s crazy how well we work together and the final images are always *chefs kiss*.
Gemini’s Dreamscape, is a creative photoshoot we did in July 2021. I had gotten a film camera from my uncle and I hit Devon up so I could test it out. We were going for a Black girl magic, fairy vibe. I had seen a specific make-up style on Pinterest that I wanted to incorporate as well. Devon wore an all-white outfit and she did her make-up exactly how I imagined, in addition to taking creative freedom to do a bantu knot hairstyle. As you can see from the photos, she looks absolutely beautiful.
Here’s the kicker though, when we started the shoot, the film camera didn’t work! I was in disbelief because I had tested it the day before to be sure it worked. I'm glad I still brought my DSLR along with me because there was no way I was going to leave without taking some pictures.
After the shoot, of course it was time to start editing. Then I ran into another issue, I had no idea how I wanted to edit it. I wanted to be a bit different from some of my previous works, but couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t until one year later, May 2022, I revisited the shoot on Adobe Lightroom and started fiddling around again. It was the creative break I was waiting for. I finally knew how I wanted to edit this concept. In the words of Chrisette Michelle, “It came to me, like an epiphany.”
Thus ladies and gentlemen, we have Gemini’s Dreamscape.
For this shoot I used my Canon 5D Mark IV and Canon 24-70mm 2.8 lens.